1. 主要学术论文(一作或通讯): [1] Bin L, Xu K, Yang Z, et al. Water cycle evolution in the Haihe River Basin and its relationship with landscape pattern changes. Ecological indicators, 2024, 159: 111681. [2] Bin L, Xu K., Xu X. Lian J., Ma, C.. Development of a Landscape Indicator to Evaluate the Effect of Landscape Pattern on Surface Runoff in the Haihe River Basin. Journal of Hydrology, 2018, 566, 546-557. [3] Bin L, Xu K, Pan H, et al. Urban flood risk assessment characterizing the relationship among hazard, exposure, and vulnerability. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023, 30(36): 86463-86477. [4] Bin L, Yang W, Xu K. Driving Force Exploration for Flash Flood Based on Mann-Kendall Test and Geographical Detector: A Case Study of Hainan Island, China. Sustainability. 2023, 15(16): 12517. [5] Xu K, Wang C, Bin L*, et al. Climate change impact on the compound flood risk in a coastal city. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 626: 130237. [6] Xu K, Wang C, Bin L*. Compound flood models in coastal areas: a review of methods and uncertainty analysis. Natural Hazards. 2023, 116(1): 469-496. [7] Yang Z, Li B, Xia R, Ma S, Jia R, Ma C, Wang L, Chen Y, Bin, L*. Understanding China's industrialization driven water pollution stress in 2002–2015—A multi-pollutant based net gray water footprint analysis. Journal of Environmental Management. 2022, 310: 114735. [8] Xu Z., Lian J., Zhang J., Bin L*. Investigating and Optimizing the Water Footprint in a Typical Coal Energy and Chemical Base of China. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 727, 138781. [9] Xu K., Bin L*, Xu X. Assessment of Water Resources Sustainability in Mainland China in Term of Water Intensity and Efficiency. Environmental Management, 2019, 63(3), 309-321. [10] Hua Z, Ma C, Ma M, Bin L*. Operation characteristics of multiple solar trackers under typical weather conditions in a large-scale photovoltaic base. Energy Procedia. 2019, 158: 6242-6247 [11] 宾零陵, 蒋睿文, 曹永强, 等. 京津冀水资源生态足迹动态变化与预测. 水资源保护, 2023, 39(05): 32-38. [12] 宾零陵,陈璇,徐奎,等. 海河流域极端降水阈值确定与风险评估.中国水利水电科学研究院学报(中英文). 2023, 21(05): 422-433. [13] 徐奎,潘昊,宾零陵*,等. 基于强化学习的海南岛山洪灾害易发性评估. 水资源保护. 2023, 39(2): 95-100. [14] 徐奎,鲁志伟,宾零陵*,等. 沿海城市暴雨-高潮位复合致涝区划研究. 水力发电学报. 2022, 41(04): 18-27. [15] 马超,于博,宾零陵*,等. 城市河网连通循环净化系统构建及其关键技术. 水资源与水工程学报. 2021, 32(04): 7-14. [16] 许红师,练继建,宾零陵*,等. 台风灾害多元致灾因子联合分布研究. 地理科学. 2018, 38(12): 2118-2124. 2. 合作发表学术论文: [1] Xu K, Zhuang Y, Yan X, Bin L, Shen R. Real options analysis for urban flood mitigation under environmental change. Sustainable Cities and Society. 2023, 93: 104546. [2] Xu K, Han Z, Xu H, Bin L. Rapid Prediction Model for Urban Floods Based on a Light Gradient Boosting Machine Approach and Hydrological–Hydraulic Model. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science. 2023, 14(1): 79-97. [3] Xu K, Zhuang Y, Bin L, et al. Impact assessment of climate change on compound flooding in a coastal city. Journal of Hydrology. 2023, 617: 129166. [4] Zhuang Y, Xu K, Bin L, et al. Assessment of the jacking effect of high tide on compound flooding in a coastal city under sea level rise based on water tracer modeling. Journal of Hydrology. 2023, 627: 130474. [5] Ma C, Qiao Y, Bin L, et al. Performance of hybrid-constructed floating treatment wetlands in purifying urban river water: A field study. Ecological Engineering. 2021, 171: 106372. [6] Yang W, Xu K, Lian J, Ma C, Bin L. Integrated flood vulnerability assessment approach based on TOPSIS and Shannon entropy methods. Ecological Indicators. 2018, (89): 269-80. [7] Yang W, Xu K, Lian J, Bin L, Ma C. Multiple flood vulnerability assessment approach based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and coordinated development degree model. Journal of Environmental Management. 2018, (213): 440-50. [8] 练继建, 徐梓曜, 宾零陵, 徐奎, CHANHoi, Yi. 基于Agent的水资源管理模型研究进展. 水科学进展. 2019, 02 (30): 282-93. |