主要学术论文: 1. Qi, C., Zhou, R., Zhan, H., 2023. Analysis of heat transfer in an aquifer thermal energy storage system: On the role of two-dimensional thermal conduction. Renewable Energy: 119156. 2. Qi, C., & Zhan, H. 2022. Soil property and subsurface heterogeneity control on groundwater recharge of vadose zone injection wells. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 27(3):04021052. 3. Qi, C., Zhan, H., Liang, X., & Ma, C. 2020. Influence of time-dependent ground surface flux on aquifer recharge with a vadose zone injection well. Journal of Hydrology, 584, 124739. 4. 祁翠婷, 詹红兵, 郝永红, 2023. 包气带井回灌引起的非饱和-饱和流分析. 地质科技通报, 42(4): 118-129. DOI:10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.tb20220703. 5. Hao, H., Hao, Y., Li, Z., Qi, C., Wang, Q., Zhang, M., . . . Yeh, T.-C. J., 2024. Insight into glacio-hydrological processes using explainable machine-learning (XAI) models. Journal of Hydrology: 131047. 6. Sun, J., Li, J., Hao, Y., Qi, C., Ma, C., Sun, H., Begashaw, N., Comet, G., Sun, Y., Wang, Q., 2023. Boundary-to-solution mapping for groundwater flows in a Toth basin. Advances in Water Resources: 104448. 7. Zhou, R., Wang, Q., Qi, C., 2022. Heat transfer in a fracture embedded in a finite matrix: on the role of geometries and thermal dispersivity in the fracture. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 178, 107602. |